Last week, I had the privilege of attending the GET MOTIVATED! business seminar held in my city. ( If you have never attended one, you are missing something good! I had a wonderful day and learned alot. I thought I would share my experience with you.
I found out about the seminar in an email from a friend inviting me to attend. Being the geek that I am, I went to the website to see what was what. According to the website, "the GET MOTIVATED Seminar is an action-packed, fun-filled, explosive, exciting, inspiring, skill-building business event that is world famous for its mega-watt superstar speakers and spectacular stage production." Okay. I clicked on the event for my city to see who would be speaking. Scheduled to speak were Rudy Guiliani, Gen. Colin Powell, Steve Forbes, Dan Rather, Terry Bradshaw, Rick Belluzzo, Krish Dhanam and Zig Ziglar! The advance ticket price couldn't be beat: $1.95 for one ticket and $9.95 for your office. Your "office" is any sized group. I was immediately sold!
I arrived at the arena at 6:45 a.m. to pick up my tickets. I was surprised to see hundreds of people already there waiting for the doors. The event didn't start until 8:00! The people were open and friendly. There were lots of smiles and "good morning" and "how are you" in the place. I was really struck by the number of people there on a workday.
Needless to say, each of the speakers were