Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guest Blog/Interview- Glenda Staten

In the May 5th post, I announced the arrival of guest blogs. From time to time, I will step aside and a post will be written by someone else, a guest blogger. The guest blogger will be someone who I know, trust and love, and who will contribute to your personal growth. All guest blogs will be consistent with the themes of my blog, personal development and re-invention. Since I made the announcement last week, however, my vision has expanded to Guest Blog/Interview. (Ta-Da!) So, instead of being in just one format, a guest blog/interview will be in one of three formats: a writing, a written interview or a video interview (yep, gonna add some spice).

Welcome to the inaugural guest blog/interview! I am so excited and honored to have Glenda Staten as the first guest blogger.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Watch Your Mouth!

I am writing today about a pet peeve of mine. Anyone who knows me will be vigorously nodding their heads because 9 times out of 10, I have already called them on it. What am I talking about? What you say out of your mouth.

From childhood, we know the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” and we used it to steel ourselves against playground teasing. Did it work? NO! Why? Because words can kill. They can cut deep into our spirit, our psyche, and cause us deep psychological wounds that sometimes never heal. In elementary school, I was teased for knowing the answers in class and being an A student. In high school, I’ll never forget when my history teacher, after distributing a list of extra credit assignments that could be done, announced in front of the class that I was not allowed to do extra credit because my grade was already high. Can we say embarrassed? For years after finishing school, I always made it a point to blend in, to not be noticed, to not give answers, all so I would not stand out. It wasn’t until recently that I began to shake off my need to shrink myself into anonymity. One of the things I discovered while going through personal development is that my life’s purpose requires I stand out and be noticed. (read my earlier post, “The Joke’s On Me”). I still tend to shrink, but I fight it and move forward.

But I am not here to write about words people say to you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reading4Champions Book Club: The Dream Giver

Hello Champions!

I know you are not finished reading the April book of the month, “The E Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber. Nevertheless, I just finished re-reading a golden nugget and I had to share it with you now! This book is a quick read. It’s only 157 pages long so you can pick it up right now and then go back to the April book. This book, like all the prior ones we have read, is designed to build you into a champion. It will remind you of your dream, why it’s important to you and why you must achieve it. The name of the May book is The DreamGiver by Bruce Wilkinson.

On the dedication page, Mr. Wilkinson states, “This book is for anyone