Friday, October 28, 2011


How are you doing this fantastic day?  I know you must be marvelous because you woke up this morning and you follow my blog! 

I just want to drop you a quick note to let you know you will not be getting any new posts from me for a while.  No, I have not given up blogging about personal development.  I am improving my blog because you, my reader, have left so many comments telling me how my posts on personal development are helping you to grow. Your comments let me know that I can encourage and inspire, my goal for this blog, and gave me the confidence to step up my game - to take my messages to a worldwide audience. Thank you, thank you so much!

So, I am moving the blog to another site and acquiring a .com domain name for it.    I have a deadline of  November 5th.  You can help me stick to this deadline by dropping me an email ( or leaving a comment to hold me accountable.   As soon as the process is completed, I will let you know. 
Stay tuned!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Reading4Champions: “The Compound Effect”

Hello Champions!

The book club is indeed alive and well. Over the past months, we have been feeding ourselves mental toughness secrets and new concepts of failure. We’ve been learning the importance of never giving up, playing to win and fulfilling dreams inside us. We even took a moment to learn the importance of planning out any entrepreneurial enterprise before opening for business. This month’s book, as you should expect, builds on what we have been learning. It is written by a gentleman I consider a mentor, instructing and guiding me through goal setting and follow through. The book is “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine.

This book is awesome! It is chock full of methods for goal setting,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Leap of Faith Radio Show Interview Recap

On September 21, 2011, I was interviewed on the Leap of Faith radio show ( The host of the show is Stubbs, an awesome woman who is scouring the community to find musical talent, as well as individuals making a positive impact, to share with the world. Stubbs has hundreds of listeners worldwide. She asked me to talk about this blog and the importance of personal development. I was excited and nervous at the same time because, other than talking to friends, I had never talk to the world about personal development. The night before I could hardly sleep!

The interview aired at 7:30 a.m. (EST). It was live, which probably accounted for my nervousness. I didn’t want to sound like a babbling idiot. It was not recorded so I thought I would highlight some of the questions and answers as best as I can recall for those of you who missed it.

LeapOfFaith: You write a blog which is called My Journey to Me. Could you tell us more about that?