Monday, July 18, 2011

Guest Blogger/Interview - Beverly Imes

Welcome to my second guest blogger/interview. I first met Beverly Imes many years ago when we both attended Master Quest, a weekend course on personal development and effectiveness. Since then, Beverly has reinvented herself into a renowned personal development coach, has written a book, You Can Make A Difference and is currently editing a new e-book, Waiting with Expectancy. Without further ado, I present to you, Ms. Beverly Imes.

Miss Beverly Imes is a native of Harmony, North Carolina where she grew up always wanting to help others in need. Today she is doing just that directly and indirectly. Directly via classes, workshops, and one on ones with clients. Indirectly with friends and family... even in Sunday School class.

Miss Imes has a passion for helping people. She is committed to excellence and puts her all into her addresses and workshops. When you think of commitment, fire and results, you should think of this speaker. From start to finish Miss Imes has it all. She can truly enhance one’s quality of life when her awesome tools are applied. Her positive attitude makes her a joy to be around and listen to. What an inspiration she is to those who are willing to receive the gift she gives through her presentations.

She is the founder of Positive Impact is a leader in empowerment keynotes and workshops. Their mission is to assist individuals to become the ULTIMATE person they can be and to have a more prosperous lifestyle and relationships.

Methodology: through interactive learning experiences which focus on the individual first. Then learn more about those around them that they may appreciate what they have in common with others, respect the differences, and work together for a common goal in spite of it all.

Continuously enhancing the gifts God has given her in the public speaking and empowerment training arenas, Positive Impact was created with the vision of helping others discover the ultimate person they can be.

She is also the author of “You Can Make a Difference…because you ARE the difference.” This interactive publication takes an individual from where he or she is to where he or she wants to be accomplishing any goal set by way of inspiration and application.

Remember, "It's not what you WANT. It's what you DO." It is time to take action.

Visit for a life changing experience.


MJTM: The theme of my blog, My Journey to Me, is personal development and re-invention. I asked you to do this interview because you made a complete change, a re-invention, in your life. I want you to my readers with your experiences and perspective along the theme of my blog.

MJTM: Tell us about your formal education and professional career. (you don’t need to provide dates and places; generality is okay)
Beverly: I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and work as the Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management at a major university. I’ve worked in the clerical field since 1985. My spiritual gifts are administration, leadership, and teaching. I use them all in my current position as well as in my company, Positive Impact,

MJTM: What caused you to shift in your career, to undergo a re-invention, into the area of personal development and to write the book, You Can Make A Difference?

Beverly: In 1999 my closet friend introduced me to network marketing. I was already a positive person in general; however, to be in a constant atmosphere where people were excited, happy, and wanted everyone to succeed was new and at first scary. After meeting good people who helped me see there was more to me than the shell I displayed, I wanted to help others achieve the same. I realized I was ‘stuck’ in my own mentality. I had done everything I KNEW to do, but one person in particular took time to share methods and concepts to help me see who I really am and what my purpose is. I was encouraged to read more and I began reading more books on leadership and personal development. I saw books that I knew I could have written myself. I decided to write a book of quotes or sayings with my own photographs. I love photography.

In 2001 or 2002 a leader in ACN Inc., the network marketing company I was part of, began asking me questions that had nothing to do with the business. The one question I remember is “how is your relationship with your Dad” and I responded, something like “fine” or “okay”. At that time, I didn’t know why he asked, but he was leading up to something. He noticed my actions and maybe some of the things I said in general (I don’t recall anything specific) and he finally asked if I would be willing to enroll in a week long personal development session with his company. I was willing, but I had no idea what to expect.

MJTM: Was the shift easy? Difficult? Why?
Beverly: Regarding the personal development, the shift was difficult at first because I did not trust the process. I wanted to know everything up front and it wasn’t for me to know. Once I let go and learned to trust people, the process became much easier.

Writing the book was relatively easy once I decided to do it.

MJTM: Did you have to learn new skills? What skills did you have to learn?
Beverly: No. I used the skills I already had. I knew how to write relatively well, type, use computer applications, and a camera; therefore, I put the book together in three days. When I revised the book (increased by approximately 55 pages), it took me about 6 hours.

I contacted a colleague regarding printing and distributing the book. The first set I printed myself with permission to use the church copier. When I expanded the book, I outsourced the printing to a company my colleague uses.

MJTM: Tell us about the emotions you experienced during the process of your re-invention?
Beverly: Fear! Fear of the unknown while “finding myself.” I had to shift quickly (within minutes) mentally to be able to trust the person guiding me, receive instructions, and act on those instructions. Once I made that shift, it made things SO much easier – then and now. I find myself at times needing to shift to keep peace within myself. I am SO glad I learned how to do that.

MJTM: Did you get much support from family members and/or friends?
Beverly: I only told two people what I was doing at first, which were close friends who were open and receptive to the process I was going through. One of them had told me years before “Beverly, you have issues!” but he did not tell me or offer a way to fix it. When someone came along who offered to help me, I shared it with that friend and he was very supportive and said he was going to pray for me but most of all he was going to pray for my mentor leading the process

When I wrote the book, I had the same support from friends in my network marketing family who knew I said I was going to write a book. Finally, I had to stop talking and start typing. Once it was finished, I shared with my family and they were supportive as well. I don’t recall anyone being non-supportive until it was time to purchase a book. I attend a small church with less than 100 people on average in attendance. Maybe 25 people in the church have my book. I thought I would get more support than that considering I was born and raised in that church. I am a leader in the church and have helped many of them grow spiritually. Some of them have told me how good the book is, but others still haven’t purchased one. I have sold more books to people I don’t know than the people in my church, but it is what it is. I was disappointed at first, but after my training in network marketing, I know how people can be and I finally resolved not to take it personally. Some people just want to stay where they are.

MJTM: Was the support of family and/or friends crucial to your re-invention?
Beverly: No. I didn’t think about it until I saw this question. I knew it was something I needed to grow and have a happier life. It was about me.

MJTM: Did they understand your reason for taking this step?
Beverly: At that time, only my close friend knew why I was doing it without me really telling him and yes, he understood.

MJTM: What part did personal development play in your re-invention?
Beverly: It was the only part. I love to learn and had attended many Christian related workshops to help me grow spiritually. However, somehow that did not help me the way the Master Quest program with Mr. Marcus Dunlop did. He is a Christian and that did help in my learning to trust him through the process. After my session with him, a colleague of his suggested the Legacy Center in Morrisville, NC, and I attended three sessions there which totally changed my life! Just last week a close friend told me he can tell the difference in the way I am and my way of being compared to when we first met 20 years ago.

MJTM: If yes to Question 9, would you tell us some of your resources?
Beverly:     Master Quest (personal effectiveness)
The Legacy Center
Dr. Val Logan 
• You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
• What a Difference a Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Dad Leaves on His Daughter's Life by Dr. Kevin Leman (this book was assigned to me to read during Master Quest and at the time I hated I had to read it, but the more I read, the more I saw myself – what a revelation! After that, I suggest it to everybody – men and women)
• Any book by John C. Maxwell especially his Leadership Bible

MJTM: What did you learn about yourself?
Beverly: I learned why I did the things I did – meaning why I didn’t trust other men, why I didn’t talk much when I had so much to say, why I was closed off even though I am a friendly person.

I learned to trust and be vulnerable. I learned to love unconditionally. I learned to take a risk in relationships. I learned I really can have it all…successful and fun relationships, a prosperous career, bestselling book(s). I learned to love me and who God created me to be!

I also learned how my thoughts are the key to everything. My thoughts guide my life. When I believe I can have, do, and be anything – I can.

MJTM: What advice would you give to someone toying with the idea of doing something in their lives that is different from their current career/job?
Beverly: Pray and ask God for wisdom in any decision. Take a moment to right down all the things that can go right and what you want to gain from making the change. Ask yourself if this is something you want to do or is it something someone else wants you to do. It must be something you want. Write down what you want to do and add photos to bring it to life. Review it daily. Then take the necessary steps to reach that goal.

MJTM: Is there anything you else you would like add to this interview?
Beverly: I am happier now than I have ever been because I allow myself to be. My happiness is not conditioned to whether or not things are going well around me, but because I am confident and secure in my own self – in my own skin. God created me, this unique being, for a special purpose and I choose to excel in the purpose he has for me which is to serve Him by helping others have a better quality of life.

MJTM: Thank you for your time!
Beverly: And thank YOU for the opportunity to share. I pray and I know it will make a difference in someone’s life. God bless you abundantly.

MJTM: Follow Beverly on Twitter @tweetmepositive and Like her Facebook FanPage, You Can Make a Difference ...because you ARE the difference.

Question for Comment:  Has this interview helped you decide to make a change in your life? How so?

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