Monday, November 7, 2011


Blog move done...well 95% done.  My deadline was November 5th; I'm just two days off so that's good.  I still have a little unpacking to do and some stuff to put in place.  But, the new place is live and open for business!  This blog's new address is: (drum roll)

When you get there, take a look around.  Feel free to leave a comment (over there) on the new look.  Also, don't forget to sign up for a new email subscription over there.  I will not be posting here anymore.  This is signing off!  It was nice; I have nothing but fond memories.

This blog has moved to:

Friday, October 28, 2011


How are you doing this fantastic day?  I know you must be marvelous because you woke up this morning and you follow my blog! 

I just want to drop you a quick note to let you know you will not be getting any new posts from me for a while.  No, I have not given up blogging about personal development.  I am improving my blog because you, my reader, have left so many comments telling me how my posts on personal development are helping you to grow. Your comments let me know that I can encourage and inspire, my goal for this blog, and gave me the confidence to step up my game - to take my messages to a worldwide audience. Thank you, thank you so much!

So, I am moving the blog to another site and acquiring a .com domain name for it.    I have a deadline of  November 5th.  You can help me stick to this deadline by dropping me an email ( or leaving a comment to hold me accountable.   As soon as the process is completed, I will let you know. 
Stay tuned!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Reading4Champions: “The Compound Effect”

Hello Champions!

The book club is indeed alive and well. Over the past months, we have been feeding ourselves mental toughness secrets and new concepts of failure. We’ve been learning the importance of never giving up, playing to win and fulfilling dreams inside us. We even took a moment to learn the importance of planning out any entrepreneurial enterprise before opening for business. This month’s book, as you should expect, builds on what we have been learning. It is written by a gentleman I consider a mentor, instructing and guiding me through goal setting and follow through. The book is “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine.

This book is awesome! It is chock full of methods for goal setting,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Leap of Faith Radio Show Interview Recap

On September 21, 2011, I was interviewed on the Leap of Faith radio show ( The host of the show is Stubbs, an awesome woman who is scouring the community to find musical talent, as well as individuals making a positive impact, to share with the world. Stubbs has hundreds of listeners worldwide. She asked me to talk about this blog and the importance of personal development. I was excited and nervous at the same time because, other than talking to friends, I had never talk to the world about personal development. The night before I could hardly sleep!

The interview aired at 7:30 a.m. (EST). It was live, which probably accounted for my nervousness. I didn’t want to sound like a babbling idiot. It was not recorded so I thought I would highlight some of the questions and answers as best as I can recall for those of you who missed it.

LeapOfFaith: You write a blog which is called My Journey to Me. Could you tell us more about that?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Radio Interview - Leap of Faith Show

I am so excited and so nervous right now!  This week, on Wednesday, September 21st, I will be doing my first radio interview.  The interview will be on the Leap of Faith show at 7:30 a.m. (EST).  Leap Of Faith is a unique gospel radio show featured on Sundays 6a-10a on Worship World Radio, which is under the parent company DaBeat1650.  Stubbs hosts the show.  She is an awesome and caring woman who brings new gospel artists to the world and showcases individuals pouring into others to help them become better people.  I am honored Stubbs asked me to address the origins of my blog and the importance of personal development in one's life.

Stop pass the website to see upcoming events and contests.  And of course, tune in on Wednesday!

FYI: More titles have been added to the books on personal development list. Click the tab at top.  And in case you are wondering, yes I have read all those books.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Guest Post

If are unemployed or know someone who is (male or female), then I have written a message just for you. It is the FEATURED blog post on the website,! I was excited when I came across this website because it encourages, supports and celebrates women. It is full of information not only on job search tools, but also on finances, recipes, coupons and freebies, and health and wellness.

I want to publicly thank the editors of this site for publishing my article, a message of encouragement, and I look forward to contributing to this site again. If you like the message, please leave a comment under the article.

The direct link to the article is:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guest Blog/Interview - Joy T.J. Riley

I am SO excited about this post for two reasons. One, this is my first VIDEO interview and it represents me stepping out of my comfort zone. (in case you’re wondering, it feels empowering!) Two, I get to introduce you to my business partner and very good friend, Joy T.J. Riley. Ms. Riley is the author of the best-seller, Get Your JOY In The Morning!, a book chock full of short, sweet and to the devotionals. Joy and I were friends when she was writing her book. I know you will find her re-invention story inspirational.

Videographer: Photographic Expressions

You can purchase your copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning! through this blog by clicking the book cover in the left column. Also, don’t forget to stop by her blog,, and sign up for her daily devotional.

Question for Comment: Did you like this video interview? Did it inspire you to do something different in your life?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Guest Blogger/Interview - Beverly Imes

Welcome to my second guest blogger/interview. I first met Beverly Imes many years ago when we both attended Master Quest, a weekend course on personal development and effectiveness. Since then, Beverly has reinvented herself into a renowned personal development coach, has written a book, You Can Make A Difference and is currently editing a new e-book, Waiting with Expectancy. Without further ado, I present to you, Ms. Beverly Imes.

Miss Beverly Imes is a native of Harmony, North Carolina where she grew up always wanting to help others in need. Today she is doing just that directly and indirectly. Directly via classes, workshops, and one on ones with clients. Indirectly with friends and family... even in Sunday School class.

Miss Imes has a passion for helping people. She is committed to excellence and puts her all into her addresses and workshops. When you think of commitment, fire and results, you should think of this speaker. From start to finish Miss Imes has it all. She can truly enhance one’s quality of life when her awesome tools are applied. Her positive attitude makes her a joy to be around and listen to. What an inspiration she is to those who are willing to receive the gift she gives through her presentations.

She is the founder of Positive Impact is a leader in empowerment keynotes and workshops. Their mission is to assist individuals to become the ULTIMATE person they can be and to have a more prosperous lifestyle and relationships.

Methodology: through interactive learning experiences which focus on the individual first. Then learn more about those around them that they may appreciate what they have in common with others, respect the differences, and work together for a common goal in spite of it all.

Continuously enhancing the gifts God has given her in the public speaking and empowerment training arenas, Positive Impact was created with the vision of helping others discover the ultimate person they can be.

She is also the author of “You Can Make a Difference…because you ARE the difference.” This interactive publication takes an individual from where he or she is to where he or she wants to be accomplishing any goal set by way of inspiration and application.

Remember, "It's not what you WANT. It's what you DO." It is time to take action.

Visit for a life changing experience.


MJTM: The theme of my blog, My Journey to Me, is personal development and re-invention. I asked you to do this interview because you made a complete change, a re-invention, in your life. I want you to my readers with your experiences and perspective along the theme of my blog.

MJTM: Tell us about your formal education and professional career. (you don’t need to provide dates and places; generality is okay)
Beverly: I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and work as the Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management at a major university. I’ve worked in the clerical field since 1985. My spiritual gifts are administration, leadership, and teaching. I use them all in my current position as well as in my company, Positive Impact,

MJTM: What caused you to shift in your career, to undergo a re-invention, into the area of personal development and to write the book, You Can Make A Difference?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another Blog –

I can’t believe I have been writing this blog for over a year! When I explained what I write about to an acquaintance, she broke it down like this: thoughts I have now that the noise of a workplace and of an employer are no longer in my head. Perfect! I want to thank you for reading my thoughts. I want to also thank you for your patience when I didn’t post every week as I had planned (had no thoughts to share!), for your feedback to posts, for joining the Reading4Champions Book Club started in November, for following @SharmansJourney on Twitter and for being a fan of My Journey to Me Facebook Page. Without you, my efforts would have been useless.

If you will remember, one of the reasons I started this blog was to put down my thoughts and experiences to add value to others. Well, since I started writing in May 2009, a dream I once had came back to my recollection. Once upon a time I wanted to write a book that inspired and encouraged women. And it seems that since I started this blog, I have moving down the path to do just that.

It is with great pleasure and honor that I inform you

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Guest Interview

Last month, I started a new segment to this blog – guest blogger/interview. Glenda Staten was my first guest blogger. If you missed her post, scroll down and read the poem she wrote. It is quite moving. Thanks for sharing, Glenda.

Well, you know what happens when you ask people to guest write for your blog? Yep, they ask you to guest write for their blog! I chose to do an interview instead of a regular post.   So visit Glenda’s blog, Positivity 4 Ever, at Browse around. Click some links. Maybe read an interview.  (7/4/2011 update: my interview is now under the P4Blog. Click my name in the left column)

Can't think of a Question for Comment, so feel free to just Comment.  something relevant.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guest Blog/Interview- Glenda Staten

In the May 5th post, I announced the arrival of guest blogs. From time to time, I will step aside and a post will be written by someone else, a guest blogger. The guest blogger will be someone who I know, trust and love, and who will contribute to your personal growth. All guest blogs will be consistent with the themes of my blog, personal development and re-invention. Since I made the announcement last week, however, my vision has expanded to Guest Blog/Interview. (Ta-Da!) So, instead of being in just one format, a guest blog/interview will be in one of three formats: a writing, a written interview or a video interview (yep, gonna add some spice).

Welcome to the inaugural guest blog/interview! I am so excited and honored to have Glenda Staten as the first guest blogger.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Watch Your Mouth!

I am writing today about a pet peeve of mine. Anyone who knows me will be vigorously nodding their heads because 9 times out of 10, I have already called them on it. What am I talking about? What you say out of your mouth.

From childhood, we know the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” and we used it to steel ourselves against playground teasing. Did it work? NO! Why? Because words can kill. They can cut deep into our spirit, our psyche, and cause us deep psychological wounds that sometimes never heal. In elementary school, I was teased for knowing the answers in class and being an A student. In high school, I’ll never forget when my history teacher, after distributing a list of extra credit assignments that could be done, announced in front of the class that I was not allowed to do extra credit because my grade was already high. Can we say embarrassed? For years after finishing school, I always made it a point to blend in, to not be noticed, to not give answers, all so I would not stand out. It wasn’t until recently that I began to shake off my need to shrink myself into anonymity. One of the things I discovered while going through personal development is that my life’s purpose requires I stand out and be noticed. (read my earlier post, “The Joke’s On Me”). I still tend to shrink, but I fight it and move forward.

But I am not here to write about words people say to you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reading4Champions Book Club: The Dream Giver

Hello Champions!

I know you are not finished reading the April book of the month, “The E Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber. Nevertheless, I just finished re-reading a golden nugget and I had to share it with you now! This book is a quick read. It’s only 157 pages long so you can pick it up right now and then go back to the April book. This book, like all the prior ones we have read, is designed to build you into a champion. It will remind you of your dream, why it’s important to you and why you must achieve it. The name of the May book is The DreamGiver by Bruce Wilkinson.

On the dedication page, Mr. Wilkinson states, “This book is for anyone

Friday, April 29, 2011

New Profile Picture

Hello Followers!

If you look to the right, you will notice picture of a lone bird at the ocean.  It looks like it is searching for something.  Hence, the name of the picture -  Searching.  I am now using this as the profile picture for My Journey To Me on Twitter and on the Facebook FanPage.  I did this to prevent confusion on Facebook.  And the bird seems to be looking and searching as she either begins or rests in the middle of her journey which is something we all do when we are on a journey.  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Facebook FanPage

After receiving numerous requests, a Facebook FanPage is now available for this blog! Yeah!!! (it is still under construction so be kind)  If you have not graduated to Twitter yet, I linked the FanPage to Twitter so you will be able to read my tweets.

To Like the page, click on the Facebook badge in the right column.  Or to find it from Facebook, type "My Journey To Me" in the Search box at the top of the page.

At this point, I really need your help.  For those of you who don't know, my ultimate goal for this blog is a book on personal development and re-invention.  I use the blog to accomplish three things: 1) to capture concepts I am learning, 2) to immediately share them to add value to others right now and 3) to get feedback.  No, you will not know everything that will be in my book from reading the blog!  So, I need your really help......recommend the FanPage to your friends.

Question for Comment: Which social media do you use most often, Facebook or Twitter?  Why?

Monday, April 18, 2011

April Book of the Month

Hello Champions!

No, I have not forgotten about you and yes, we are still reading books that help us to grow as individuals. Remember, whenever you have not finished reading the prior month’s book, continue until you finish. I am going to jump right into April’s book.

We know our thoughts drive us to be, and to stay, champions because our thoughts drive our actions. This month’s book is all about transitioning your thinking from that of an employee, fulfilling someone else’s dream and being told what do, to that of a business owner fulfilling your dreams and putting the right processes in place to make your business successful. This month’s book is

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Inspiration from Space

If you follow my blog, you know I also know you can follow me on Twitter (if you didn't know, look to the right).  I enjoy sending words of inspiration, food for thought, into the universe to help others.  As would be expected, I also follow the tweets of those people who follow me.  Some tweets are funny, some are nonsensical and some are very inspirational.  The inspirational ones, the ones that make me stop and think, I save in my Favorites file.  I got a thought the other day that I should share these tweets so others can also be inspired. (after all, not everyone is on Twitter).  So, here are some of my favorite tweets and the Twitter name of the person who sent out the tweet.  Yes, sometimes there are multiple tweets from one person.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leadership Defined

The other day, I was reading a Facebook post praising a mentor of mine.  I agreed wholeheartedly with the post and wanted to add my two cents.  I began to compose a comment saying how I learned more from watching what he did, his behavior, than from what he told me to do.  And it hit me.....a leader is someone who models behavior that people follow.  And it hit me again.....I am a leader.

You see, my definition of leader was narrow.  To me, a leader was a person who had been to a place or achieved a goal he was leading people to.  The old "I've been to the top of Mt. Everest so I know the terrain and can lead you there" definition.  Since I have goals I have not achieved, I didn't see myself as a leader.  After all, what "terrain" did I know?  Why would people follow me down a road I know nothing about?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reading4Champions Book Club: February Book

Hello Champions!

So far on our championship journey we have learned to re-think what opportunity means and to embrace it in "Opportunity Knocks" by Pat Mesiti.  We learned to think like champions in "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class" by Steve Siebold.  We have learned to embrace setbacks and failures, and to move forward from them in "A Setup is a Setup for a Comeback" by Willie Jolley and in "Failing Foward" by John Maxwell.  Last month, we learned to be tenacious and to never forsake our dreams in "Never Give Up!" by Joyce Meyer.  (If you have not finished reading any of these books, continue until you do finish).  There is no doubt we have amassed some powerful weapons to use on our championship journey. 

The February book will further arm you in the mental arena.  

Monday, January 17, 2011

New New Year's Resolution

Just as a young man's fancy turns to love in the spring, it's January of a new year and people's fancy turns to New Year resolutions.  People resolve to change - loose weight, make more money, exercise more, eat healthier, save more money, etc.  People resolve to do, or not to do, things that will improve their lives and give themselves a year to make the change.  Resolutions are good and people are sincere in making these yearly resolutions.  But statistics show that by the end of February, most people have forgotten their resolutions only to remember them again in December when it's time to make New Year resolutions again.  This is not good.  I propose a new New Year's Resolution: instead of only treating the beginning of a new year as a time to make resolutions, treat the beginning of a new day as a time to make resolutions.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Reading4Champions Book Club: Never Give Up

Happy New Year Champions!

In December, in "Failing Forward" by John C. Maxwell, we learned a powerful championship lesson: failing is okay, normal and to be embraced.  

The book for January is "Never Give Up!" by Joyce Meyer.  Ms. Meyer is one of the world's leading Bible teachers.  She has written numerous inspirational books and is a #1 New York Times bestselling author.  Her ministry, Enjoying Everyday Life®, is enjoyed by two-thirds of the planet daily over radio and television.  I selected this book as our next read because it reinforces what we learned in "Failing Forward"- circumstances are always ideal, but we should learn something from the and never give up.  Also, it's the first month of a new year, a time when you are making resolutions to change.  What better time to change your mindset so that you will not abandon your resolutions by February, but actually accomplish them?

In the introduction, Ms. Meyer says:

Think of this book as a manual to use as you pursue the best in every area of your life.  It will give you the inspiration you need to keep putting one foot in front of the other when you grow weary on your journey and remind you over and over again, in a variety of ways: you can do it if never give up

This is the second time I am reading this book and I am excited!  Already, I have highlighted ideas and concepts that I did not pick up on during my first read.  Read pages 15-28 and tell me what you think in the comments section.

Question for Comment: Did you learn how to fail from reading last month's book?  Do you have a book you would like to suggest for reading and why?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thanking and Giving

Each year, between November 1st and December 31, people focus on thanking and giving...... just in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.  Thinking of others is good, but thanking and giving are not relegated to a season. Thanking and giving are for everyday

The Bible says:
    "[i]n everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1Thessalonians 5:18

Think you have no one to thank or no reason to thank everyday?  Well, for a moment, sit back and see yourself standing on a street corner with nothing but the clothes you have on right now.  Imagine you have no home, no possessions, no job, no money, no family and no friends.  Also imagine no one sees you and no one acknowledges you.