Friday, June 25, 2010

Procrastination: It's A Mind Thing

I am a procrastinator.  I said this all the time and freely used it as an excuse to myself for why only eight out of 15 tasks on my daily To Do lists got done.  I procrastinate - it was my mantra.  I owned it totally.  It was me.  And I felt bad about undone tasks.  I felt like an underachiever.

Then one day, I started to think....why am I a procrastinator?  Was the root the traditional reasons experts give (you know - fear, lack of focus, task so big you don't know where to begin so you don't, poor time management skills, TV)?  But, I had tried the experts' traditional fixes for these, but they didn't work for long. So was the root something else? 

Some words I read years ago began to echo in my head:
     "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."    Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)
     "Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."  Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV)

I have a good friend named Lynne.  Every time she begins to do something, especially something new, she smiles a huge smile and says, "I can do this!"  And she gets it done.  She is awesome and such an inspiration. Hmmm.....

Could it be my thinking?  Had I said "I am a procrastinator" so much I was "eating its fruit"?  I started to realize that procrastination is a conscious act.  It was a decision.  I decided to change my thinking.  Instead of thinking, "I am a procrastinator," I began thinking, "I do not procrastinate.  I can do this now!"  I also began saying it out loud.  And I also stop focusing on how many things on my daily To Do list didn't get done and started focusing on the things I did.

Am I perfect now?  No.  But I get more done now without unreasonable delays.  In my planner, I  now track and focus on my daily accomplishments.  If  I don't accomplish a task on the day I planned, I write it down to do the next day and it gets done.   I face the challenge everyday to do a task now, but I can do this - I do not procrastinate!

Question for Comment: How do you deal with procrastination?


  1. Hi Sharman, thanks for letting me/us into your world. I was reading your blog about procrastination today and my next book title and purpose for the book came to me! The book is actually for one person, my husband - whomever that may be. I made a note of my thoughts so I would not forget. Actually, maybe it will just be a poem that I will give him after we get married.

    I don't procrastinate any more either. I just choose not to do what I'm supposed to be doing when I'm supposed to do it at times. Words have power, so like you I stopped saying I was a procrastinator. I work from a list and like you I move things to the next day when they aren't complete. Some have even moved to the next month (got to be realistic about the lists I make)

    Secondly, I read "the jokes on me" - I can relate to the part about the height. I fit into that category, too. A few years ago I started wearing 3 inch heels. A few people asked me why I was wearing heels because I was already tall. I told them, because I liked the shoes and they matched my outfit. Confidence, definitely! Most men I date are my height or shorter. I had to get comfortable with that. My preference is a taller guy; however, I will not pass my blessing by waiting for someone tall who doesn't have the sense to see me for the queen and lifemate I am.

    Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

    I just want to say thank you for sharing again and to let you know how much your openness is helping me.

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