Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leadership Defined

The other day, I was reading a Facebook post praising a mentor of mine.  I agreed wholeheartedly with the post and wanted to add my two cents.  I began to compose a comment saying how I learned more from watching what he did, his behavior, than from what he told me to do.  And it hit me.....a leader is someone who models behavior that people follow.  And it hit me again.....I am a leader.

You see, my definition of leader was narrow.  To me, a leader was a person who had been to a place or achieved a goal he was leading people to.  The old "I've been to the top of Mt. Everest so I know the terrain and can lead you there" definition.  Since I have goals I have not achieved, I didn't see myself as a leader.  After all, what "terrain" did I know?  Why would people follow me down a road I know nothing about?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reading4Champions Book Club: February Book

Hello Champions!

So far on our championship journey we have learned to re-think what opportunity means and to embrace it in "Opportunity Knocks" by Pat Mesiti.  We learned to think like champions in "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class" by Steve Siebold.  We have learned to embrace setbacks and failures, and to move forward from them in "A Setup is a Setup for a Comeback" by Willie Jolley and in "Failing Foward" by John Maxwell.  Last month, we learned to be tenacious and to never forsake our dreams in "Never Give Up!" by Joyce Meyer.  (If you have not finished reading any of these books, continue until you do finish).  There is no doubt we have amassed some powerful weapons to use on our championship journey. 

The February book will further arm you in the mental arena.