Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's Hard to See the Picture When You Are in the Frame

It's August....the heat has let up for now....it's not raining today...  Whatever the reason, I thought I would do some self-assessment this week.   If you read my blogs, you know I believe self-improvement is critical in anyone's life.  You know I read motivating books and magazines, and listen to positive tapes.  (if you don't know, you can read my May 21, 2010 post or click The Books I Have Read link in the left column).

Recently, I attended a leadership boot camp.  For my company, boot camp means honest talk and guidance to get you to the next level in your personal development; to get you out of your comfort zone so you will become a better person, a better leader.  As Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, says, "The most important actions are never comfortable."   Now, I have known the  boot camp trainers/mentors for several years and I have seen them evolve into better people, better leaders.  I listened as they talked about the books they read and the tapes they listened to during their journey.  I listened as they

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poll - What Are Your Challenges?

For some reason, we think when we are facing a challenge or challenges, that we are the only person in the whole wide world who has EVER faced that challenge.  If you think like this, STOP NOW! It is sooo untrue.  The one thing I have learned in talking with people is that, for the most part, we all have the same challenges in life.  The only difference between you and the person "who has it all together" is, the person hasn't really shared with you.  I mean, if you sat down with the person and both of you shared yourselves, had a real heart to heart conversation, you would most probably find the person has faced the same challenge (s) you face.  The person, however,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Guest Blogger

I want to use my weekly post to thank Robert Wingfield for allowing me to be guest blogger for his blog, The RAW Blog. (http://rawblog.posterous.com/)  Let me tell you a little bit about him.  He is a native of Nashville, TN and a graduate of the illustrious HBCU Fisk University (yeah Fiskite!).  Rob is a media consultant in Nashville and blogs about current events, food, music and entertainment.  I have known Rob for a long time and felt greatly honored that he would allow me to express myself to his followers.  Check out his blog.

And while I am talking about guest blogging, if you (yes, you) would like to write something, anything, to be posted on my blog, email me at myjourneytome@gmail.com.  Be glad to have you!