Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still Learning After All These Years

I've been going through some tough times lately.  I've felt like I was drowning.  Very often, I felt like sitting in the middle of the floor and doing nothing. . . forever.  I wanted to give up on my dreams.  But I didn't.  I kept going even though I didn't see any end and I learned some life lessons as I went along.

1. Attitude is everything.   I know you have heard that saying before.  But during my trials, I truly realized attitude is not everything, it is the thing.  How you respond to any given situation is a choice which can make you or break you.  I decided to have a positive attitude.  I reminded daily myself that my trials were temporary and I spoke about them as being temporary to the people I confided in.  Because of my attitude, I saw the good side of the trials.  My thinking stayed clear.  Instead of saying, "I can't do X because of Y", I asked myself, "How can I get X done?"  This question caused me to think out-of-the-box and come up with creative solutions to problems.  I can't wait to see

Friday, September 17, 2010

What are Your Challenges, Part II

In August, I conducted a poll asking you what challenge you face most often and promised to write a post on the challenge most faced.  The choices were procrastination/delaying, managing your time, dealing with difficult people, being organized and handling stressful situations.  The winner was......(drum roll) procrastination/delaying!

Before I write anything else, I want to thank those of you who responded to the poll. Smiley

Now, to write about your challenge and how to overcome it.  It took me awhile to decide what to say new because I have written about procrastination before. (see June 25, 2010 post) Or maybe I was just procrastinating. Anyway, I decided to

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reading4Champions September Book - How's it Going?

Just a quick post to see how everyone is coming along in reading the book for the month, Opportunity Knocks by Pat Mesiti. 

As I said earlier, we are starting with a book because it is only a 100 pages and is an easy read.  Mr Mesiti explains that opportunity is everywhere and in order to take advantage of it, all you need to do is decide.  He also explains the misperceptions people cling to which cause them to miss great, life changing opportunities and he dispells each one.

Truth or myth: "Today's great opportunity is hindered or robbed by yesterday's failures"? The answer is on page 23.  

Champions, don't miss your opportunity to grow by reading this book! You have 16 more days before we start reading the next book..............

Question for Comment: How did this book help you?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reading4Champions: Opportunity Knocks

Hey everyone, it's time to read and succeed!

The first book for the #Reading4Champions book club* is Opportunity Knocks by Pat Mesiti.  I picked this book to start because it is a easy read, 100 pages, the layout is simple and the text is not hard on the eyes.

I recommend this book because it is very straight forward.  Mr. Mesiti's view of opportunity as "a means to create a more meaningful, prosperous and influential life, for others and myself" (page 18) caused

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reading for Champions Book Club

It is a new month so I thought I would start something new on my blog and on Twitter.  I have written before about the value of reading, and listening to, self-improvement, motivational books and tapes.  That is why I have a Books I Have Read list in the left column.  So to motivate you to read, once a month, beginning this month, I will highlight a book from my list and tell you why I recommend you read it.  Now, I am not a book critic so don't expect to read about the pros and cons of the book.  This endeavor into reading will be called the Reading for Champions Book Club!

I know from my experience, as well as the experience of others,