For some reason, we think when we are facing a challenge or challenges, that we are the only person in the whole wide world who has EVER faced that challenge. If you think like this, STOP NOW! It is sooo untrue. The one thing I have learned in talking with people is that, for the most part, we all have the same challenges in life. The only difference between you and the person "who has it all together" is, the person hasn't really shared with you. I mean, if you sat down with the person and both of you shared yourselves, had a real heart to heart conversation, you would most probably find the person has faced the same challenge (s) you face. The person, however,
learned to overcome, or go through, the challenge and is now stronger for it. I've reached this revelation from sharing with my friends and business partners. And in sharing, I realized I truly am not alone, have created closer bonds with others and have been strengthened and encouraged.
learned to overcome, or go through, the challenge and is now stronger for it. I've reached this revelation from sharing with my friends and business partners. And in sharing, I realized I truly am not alone, have created closer bonds with others and have been strengthened and encouraged.
So in this posting, I am taking a poll on this question: What challenge do you face most often?
I am doing a poll so you can share and I can, hopefully, strengthen and encourage you. The poll is on the left margin of my blog page. It will be open from August 11, 2010 to August 19, 2010. After August 19th, I will take the challenge most faced and, if I have not already written about, I will write a blog post sharing how I handled or am handling the challenge. You can only pick one challenge (sorry!). Tell your friends about the poll; the more the merrier!

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