So far on our championship journey we have learned to re-think what opportunity means and to embrace it in "Opportunity Knocks
" by Pat Mesiti. We learned to think like champions in "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class
" by Steve Siebold. We have learned to embrace setbacks and failures, and to move forward from them in "A Setup is a Setup for a Comeback
" by Willie Jolley and in "Failing Foward
" by John Maxwell. Last month, we learned to be tenacious and to never forsake our dreams in "Never Give Up!"
by Joyce Meyer. (If you have not finished reading any of these books, continue until you do finish). There is no doubt we have amassed some powerful weapons to use on our championship journey.
The February book will further arm you in the mental arena.
Our book for this month's is "Play to Win
", Choosing Growth over Fear in Work and Life by Larry Wilson and Hersch Wilson. The first time I read this book, I got excited and immediately recommended it to several people who also got excited. The authors talk about, among other things, the mindsets of playing not to lose and playing to win. Although these mindsets may appear to be the same, they are different with different responses. In playing not to lose, one responds with self-protection and self-promotion, staying in one's comfort zone, thinking irrationally, being closed minded and blaming others. In playing to win, one responds with basing truth on objective reality, making choices rationally, giving one's personal best, getting out of one's comfort zone, focusing on learning and growing, and being accountable for responses to events. Awesome!
Our book for this month's is "Play to Win
My take away concept from this book, a concept that I apply, was to stop being a student at MSU, the University of Making Stuff Up. Yep, it is exactly what it sounds like....making up in your mind how a situation will turn out before you start. The made-up stuff is usually negative, causes fear to increase and you to stop. Don't laugh...I know you have played those kind of scenarios in your head several times in your life. As the authors say, "we are child prodigies of MSU."
So start reading so you can stop attending MSU!
Question for Comment: From the books we have read so far, which one has had the most impact on you? Why?
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