I know you are not finished reading the April book of the month, “The E Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber. Nevertheless, I just finished re-reading a golden nugget and I had to share it with you now! This book is a quick read. It’s only 157 pages long so you can pick it up right now and then go back to the April book. This book, like all the prior ones we have read, is designed to build you into a champion. It will remind you of your dream, why it’s important to you and why you must achieve it. The name of the May book is The DreamGiver
by Bruce Wilkinson.
On the dedication page, Mr. Wilkinson states, “This book is for anyone
who has ever hoped or believed they could achieve something remarkable with their lives.” Does this sound like you? The Dream Giver is written in two parts. In Part I, Mr. Wilkinson tells the story of Ordinary, a resident of Familiar, who has a Big Dream to be a Somebody and achieve Great Things. He tells about the obstacles that Ordinary faces along the road to his Big Dream. In Part II, the author explains the reasons for the obstacles and how to overcome them.
I first read this book in 2004. I knew I had a dream and it was not working as a lawyer for the rest of my life. I wasn’t clear on exactly what the dream was, but I was, nevertheless, timidly walking toward something and doubting my walk every other day. The book made sense. I underlined a few concepts. Today, I am clear on my dream and much further along in accomplishing it. This time, reading The Dream Giver really excited me! Why? Mainly, because I could truly relate to Ordinary and the obstacles and stuff he faced in his journey. Secondly, because in the introduction, Mr. Wilkinson states the obstacles and other stuff you experience on your journey to accomplishing your dream come in a predictable sequence and each has a reason for being where it appears in your journey. (how did I miss that the first time??) I could pinpoint exactly where I am right now in my journey to my dream and I know exactly what I need to do to keep moving.
So polish up your dreams Champions! Make them shiny and new. You are a Somebody! Enjoy the May book. Mr. Wilkinson is on Twitter: @Bruce_Wilkinson.
Question for Comment: Have you had a dream that you let go of? Why? Did “The Dream Giver” help you reclaim your dream?
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