Friday, October 28, 2011


How are you doing this fantastic day?  I know you must be marvelous because you woke up this morning and you follow my blog! 

I just want to drop you a quick note to let you know you will not be getting any new posts from me for a while.  No, I have not given up blogging about personal development.  I am improving my blog because you, my reader, have left so many comments telling me how my posts on personal development are helping you to grow. Your comments let me know that I can encourage and inspire, my goal for this blog, and gave me the confidence to step up my game - to take my messages to a worldwide audience. Thank you, thank you so much!

So, I am moving the blog to another site and acquiring a .com domain name for it.    I have a deadline of  November 5th.  You can help me stick to this deadline by dropping me an email ( or leaving a comment to hold me accountable.   As soon as the process is completed, I will let you know. 
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see what your new site will look like on November 5th!!!!


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